Pretty impressive for a 15-year-old! I don’t think I have anything from that age.. pretty much everything I did in high school was hand-written 😆

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Thank you!

I completely get it though. I absolutely despised typing up my fiction work when I was in my teens. The creative writing class I wrote this for required that we do everything in Google docs so it sort of forced me to get used to it. Now I rely on it a little too heavily 😅 funny how things change.

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That’s actually pretty good for a 15 y.o. I still have some of my scribbles from that age but I refuse to look at them haha

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Hey thanks, I appreciate it! And I totally get it - I barely read this at all because I knew if I did, I'd back out of writing it at all 😅 it was a really fun exercise though!

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Courage and bravery!

Good job though 👍🏻 I was the same, only managed to read a couple of lines of mine 😆 thanks for sharing your story, I'll link to it in my February wrap up post

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