You absolutely stuck the landing in Part 10!

So interesting to read about the process of how Astra developed. I'm glad you went for the beautiful colour-changing skin for the Children of Oran-Koh and the Xella, rather than going for the old elf/dwarf/human setup. It's one of the things that makes Astra stand out. Looking forward to what's next!

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Thanks so much! I'm glad you prefer something a little different over the more typical fantasy style in this case!

I can't wait for you to experience what's next!

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Also might literally take you up on writing about a god in a sandbox

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I really enjoyed reading your retro-thoughts! Totally felt you on “leave the gore to the reader” vibes and how good it feels to lazer in the readers focus as a writer.

Def would love for you to read my own pre-process thoughts posting on Monday!

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I'm glad you enjoyed it and felt it too! I'll keep an eye on my notifications for your post Monday! I want to tread the line between good freaky body horror but without being excessive on the gore. I don't think it's impossible but it's sort of relearning how I write horror!

And for the record, I would be so down to see your take on a god in a sandbox! If you do it, I'll keep an eye out for it! Thanks for reading my thoughts here!

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